donderdag 26 augustus 2010

All Over Again

So, Here I am... Again...
Only with a New Blog..
The reason why I restarted my blog, is because I want to do it different this time.
It wasn't worse before...
But I think it's good for me to start with a clean slate____
It sounds more dramatic than it is hahaha!
And Exually I don't Know why I'm writing this blog
in English..
So typical NOT Mai, But Ok.

The reason why I named my Blog: MAI STYLE
is because I want to show my "real" Style,
the real me
the real Mai
more and more.

To be honest, It will be hard, But I'm a survivor ( hahaha )

Ok, Now I can only think of one song!!

So, Enjoy and I will do my best to update as far as I can!

Bye Bieeeeeeeee ^^



1 opmerking:

Thank You, Fellow Fashionista!!

Let's Make Magic with fashion<3

